Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Password in Microsoft Outlook mailbox

How to stop prying Toms from accessing ur Exchange server based Microsoft Outlook mailbox, if u r gonna leave ur workstations unattended for some time?

(Technical subject : How to make Microsoft Outlook (w.r.t Outlook 2002, in this case) prompt u for a password and NOT logon automatically using the NT login information?)

Click on Tools > Email Accounts.
Choose the option "View OR change existing email accounts".
Doubleclick the Exchange Server account in the E-mail accounts window.
In the Exchange Server settings window, click on the More Settings button.
Click on the Advanced tab.
In the Logon Network Security drop box, choose None.
Click on Apply and navigate through the rest of the panes (You might be promoted to enter the NT Login information once... enter it.)
The next time u open up the Outlook mailbox, it will display your NT login name AND the DOMAIN name and will prompt u to put in the NT password to proceed further.

1 comment:

Alex said...

If you have this situation,I recommend to use next tool-microsoft outlook exchange server password recovery,because program has many facilities,also utiltiy helped me not once,yet application has free status,it works with the following mail accounts and services, such as IMAP mail servers, POP3 mail servers, Microsoft Exchange Server, web-based email and Microsoft Mail,except mail accounts, the program can unlock password protected files with *.pst extension,will sort all characters and find a password for you,recover passwords Outlook Exchange, when you cannot recover the password of an Exchange .pst or forgotten password Outlook Exchange Server.